Cat Missal called out why Bree's friends are bad for her in 'Tell Me Lies.'

Tell Me Lies Star Cat Missal Thinks Bree Has "Terrible Friends"

She has a point!

by Dylan Kickham

The romantic relationships on Tell Me Lies may be extremely sketchy, but at least the friendships are solid, right? Well... not so much. Although Lucy, Pippa, and Bree developed a close bond freshman year, dubbing themselves the Pusswas, it’s not that balanced of a friend group, at least according to Cat Missal. “They’re terrible friends!” Missal tells Elite Daily.

It’s something that’s become even more apparent in Season 2, as Lucy and Pippa seem to repeatedly sideline Bree when she has an issue she wants to talk about. “Bree, with her background, she leads with her heart, whereas these other friends lead in defensiveness. And she gets bulldozed by that kind of behavior,” Missal says.

Despite recognizing how badly Bree is treated, Missal can understand why she puts up with it. “These friends are her family,” Missal says. “She doesn't have family, so she's always trying to glue everything back together. But this season, we see that crack even more.”

One of the biggest betrayals to Bree is something she doesn’t even know about yet. At the end of Season 1, Lucy slept with Bree’s boyfriend Evan, a hookup that Lucy and Evan agreed to keep a secret. And no, it’s not for Bree’s benefit. Grace Van Patten tells Elite Daily Lucy’s keeping the secret out of her own self-interest.


“I think it is more selfish than not,” Van Patten says. The actor hints that Lucy and Bree’s relationship may change this season as Lucy tries to keep this secret. “Instead of telling Bree what happened, owning up to it, and trying to rebuild the friendship from there, I think she decides to just overcompensate, to prove to herself that she's doing the right thing and trying to redeem herself by supporting Bree through her journey this season.”

It’s... not off to a great start. Lucy and Pippa are still hiding things from Bree at the start of Season 2, and turn her birthday into a major disappointment. The isolation from her friends seems to be one factor leading Bree to pursue an incredibly risky affair with a Baird College professor. Oh, Bree — the Pusswas may not be great friends, but something tells me you’re going to need their help if this affair goes further.