Quiz: Which Of Rory's Boyfriends On Gilmore Girls Is Your Dream Bae?
Dean, Jess, or Logan — the answer you’ve been looking for is finally here.
Over 20 years since the show’s premiere, and Gilmore Girls fans still have plenty of hot takes they need to share. Rory actually being the villain of the show is the latest, but the long-standing debate has always been over who of Rory’s three main boyfriends was the best, both for her and for the rest of the world. (The answer, according to a therapist, may surprise you.) Everyone has a preference, whether you lean more toward sweet, dependable Dean; rebellious yet well-read Jess; or adventurous, charismatic Logan. But only one of Rory’s BFs can be your dream bae.
In the Netflix revival, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, it’s Logan who Rory still finds herself hung up on (*spoiler alert* he also fathered her baby), but Jess remains a fan favorite for his similarities to Rory (not to mention the chemistry, oof), while Dean is typically beloved by fans for his dependability and overall good-guy qualities. Each of Rory’s relationships represented a different chapter in her life: Dean, in her innocent, early high school years; Jess, in her transformative senior year of high school; and Logan, in early adulthood when she went to Yale. But this isn’t about Rory’s life — this is about yours. So, which Gilmore Girls guy is the one for you? Take the quiz to find out, once and for all.
What do you value most in a relationship?
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