Saturn Returns
Your June 2024 Horoscope Includes A Major Retrograde Moment

The cosmos are doing the most this month.

by Jillian Giandurco

The closer to summer, the better the vibes, right? Based on the astro forecast for June, that’s definitely true this year. The start of Cancer season, a Capricorn full moon, Saturn stationing retrograde — there’s a lot to look forward to this month beyond the summer solstice on June 21.

Don’t be surprised if you experience an abundance of creativity this month. “[June] carries large themes of artistic expression through inspiration and creative desire to showcase beauty in your world,” astrologer Brilla Samay tells Elite Daily. “There is a tone to overcoming fears and confusion stored in the subconscious.”

Ahead, Samay spills the tea on each zodiac sign’s June 2024 horoscope, as well as what the cosmos have in store for the start of summer, and so much more.

The Most Important Astrological Dates In June 2024

  • June 4: The sun conjunct Venus in Gemini
  • June 6: Gemini new moon
  • June 8: Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces and Mars enters Taurus
  • June 16: Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces
  • June 17: Mercury and Venus enter Cancer
  • June 20: The sun enters Cancer
  • June 21: Summer solstice and beginning of Cancer season
  • June 22: Capricorn full moon
  • June 29: Saturn stations retrograde

June 2024’s Astro Forecast Is Full Of Creativity

Cancer’s sensitive water sign sensibilities will have a massive influence on the month ahead. According to Samay, June is expected to be full of imagination, innovation, and artistry.

It all starts on June 4, when Venus will conjunct the sun in Gemini and trine Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Because air signs are known for being free, open-minded thinkers, this alignment is sure to create a “space for revelations and higher ideals to show through,” per the expert.

On June 17, Mercury, Venus, and the sun will all be conjunct in Gemini, which will inspire one last “blast of intellectual illumination with creative problem solving and collaborative efforts,” according to Samay.

Enjoy the burst of creative energy while you can, because once the full moon illuminates the sky on June 22, practicality will take over. That’s because la luna will be in the hardworking sign of Capricorn, and your longterm ambitions and goals will be at the forefront once again.

That said, the ethereal water sign energy will still be present during this lunation, because our “ideas and dreams” will help shed light on these objectives, per Samay.

If you have dreamed or planned too big ... you have to clear out any limiting beliefs encoded in you.

To close out the month, Saturn will go retrograde on June 29, where it will remain until Nov. 15. Much less daunting than Mercury retrograde, this transit will inspire much introspective and reflection.

“Saturn will start asking us questions in regards to any anger or resentment we are holding in our relationships,” says Samay. “This is a washing of the subconscious which says if you have dreamed or planned too big (spoiler alert you haven’t) you have to clear out any limiting beliefs encoded in you.”

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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You could find themselves in your writer era during the first half of June, Aries. There may be opps to change majors at school, have a teachable moment, or even start drafting a new fanfic.

This will coincide with the new moon on June 6, which will kick off a four-week period of important decisions regarding your deepest desires.

As the full moon rolls around on June 22, you may start to focus on your money moves. “Your goals will depend on financial freedom,” says Samay. “This is a time to negotiate business matters.”

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

In classic earth sign fashion, your finances will be a major focus this month, Taurus. “You're set up for a cycle of abundance,” Samay says.

There may be times throughout the month where you feel stuck, but Samay promises good things are on the horizon. “Trust in your abilities, embrace new challenges, and seize the opportunities that come your way,” the astrologer says.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Persistence will be a theme for you this month, Gemini. Samay says, “Whether it's in your career, finances, or relationships, trust in the supportive influence of Jupiter and the transformative power of the cosmos.”

Money will also be on the mind for the latter half of June, as Mercury, Venus, and the sun transition into Cancer and illuminate your second house of income.

While this energy will continue during the full moon on June 22, Samay shares that the “influence of Saturn may introduce challenges that require patience and communication to overcome” during the lunation as well.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

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It’s your month, Cancer — own it. “Embrace the journey, trust in the process, and remain open to the opportunities that come your way,” says Samay.

The expert shares that the first half of the month may feel like a “holding pattern” for Crabs. But, despite any initial feelings of stagnation, things are sure to improve before your season kicks off on June 21.

“As Venus transitions into Cancer on June 16th, followed by Mercury on the 17th, and the sun on the 20th, you'll feel a shift toward greater social activity and creativity,” says Samay. “These energies encourage you to embrace new opportunities for connection and expression.”

The astrologer also warns that June 22’s full moon will illuminate Cancer’s seventh house of relationships, which could bring underlying issues to the surface. “Use this time for open and honest communication, as you seek resolutions and deeper connections with others,” says Samay. “You may need to make difficult decisions regarding your closest connections.”

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

June will be split into two distinct halves for Leos: The first will be focused on setting longterm goals; the second will be all about taking action to achieve those goals.

Not only will your 11th house of aspirations be illuminated, but you’ll also be presented with ample “opportunities for collaboration and networking.” Then, the Capricorn full moon will light up the sky on June 22, possibly bringing exciting career developments, job offers, or new work projects.

“Remember to stay focused on your goals and be open to collaboration and new opportunities,” says Samay.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

The boss mindset never takes a day off, not even in the summer for a Virgo like you. “There's a significant focus on career expansion, promotion, leadership, and launching your own business this month,” says Samay.

It all starts on June 6, when the new moon aligns with Venus, which can help set intentions for career growth. With the sun, Mercury, and Venus in Gemini at the same time, this will be an ideal time for business projects, negotiation, and professional matters.

You’ll be able to let your hair down a bit during the Capricorn full moon, as the lunation is expected to put an emphasis on “entertainment, parties, vacations, and romance,” offering a balance to Maidens’ career-focused mindset, per Samay.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

June will be of major significance for you, as Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini will kick off a “year-long journey of prosperity and abundance in the realms of travel, education, and career,” per Samay. The expert calls it a “golden era of exploration and self-discovery,” so get excited.

The sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus will all be illuminating your ninth house of adventure for the first half of the month, which means June will be fruitful, possibly with international travel opps. (Another chance to see the Eras Tour, perhaps?)

As the month goes on, these planetary energies will gracefully transition into Cancer, “directing your focus toward career aspirations and social reputation,” per Samay.

With so many exciting pursuits coming your way, it’s important to stay grounded and remain focused. “Balance is key as you navigate between professional obligations and domestic responsibilities,” the expert adds.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22)

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Prepare to win big, Scorpio. Student loans, financial gifts, possibly even lottery winnings could be in your future.

The good fortune streak will begin at the end of May, as Jupiter enters Gemini, where it’ll remain until June 2025. Samay says to expect Jupiter to “bestow its blessings” and pave the way for “fortunate opportunities in financial negotiations and joint ventures.”

Though good things lie ahead, don’t push your luck during the full moon on June 22. “Emotions may run high, especially regarding communication, sales, and negotiations,” says the expert. “Tread carefully, as Mercury and Venus oppose the moon, potentially leading to tensions or conflicts that require resolution.”

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Relationships, both personal and career-related, will be at the forefront for you, Sagittarius. Samay says, “Keep an eye on both the intellectual and emotional aspects of your relationships and be open to the potential for growth and transformation.”

The Gemini new moon is partially to blame for the perplexing energy, as it will emphasize harmony and cooperation — though the tension that Saturn’s challenging aspect to Venus is sure to bring won’t help, either.

Any unsettled disputes may come to a head during the full moon, as the focus on communication and negotiation could lead to “emotional reactions and discussions about education or marketing ventures.”

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Progress is underway, Capricorn. “You can make significant advancements in both your career and relationships,” says Samay.

Your job is sure to benefit from having the sun and Venus in Gemini for the first portion of the month, as it will draw your attention to matters related to work, abundance, growth, opportunities, and more.

If that weren’t enough, Samay shares the full moon is expected to highlight your charisma and visibility, which could lead to “resolutions in relationships or job-related matters.”

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Work hard, play hard, Aquarius. According to Samay, “Themes of fun, romance, and self-expression take center stage” this month, before the transition into “work and self-improvement” kicks off a few weeks later.

Per the expert, the new moon will be all about pleasure, creativity, and romance, and Venus’ transit through Gemini is sure to a foster an environment where harmony, love, and creative expression will flourish.

As the planets move into Cancer, the focus will be on work, health, and self-improvement. “This transition prompts a shift from leisurely pursuits to practical concerns, necessitating focus on responsibilities and personal growth,” says the expert.

As long as you know how to balance them all, though, the dueling energies can actually be quite beneficial. By navigating the influences of the seemingly conflicting transits, “Aquarians can make significant strides in both creative endeavors and personal development,” the astrologer says.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March)

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Prepare to lean into your water sign tendencies this month, dear Pisces, as “domestic responsibilities and creative opportunities” are expected to be at the forefront.

Per Samay, Jupiter will move into the “sector of home, family, and real estate” in June 2024, where it will remain for a year. At the same time, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter will all align in Gemini, shining a light on the fourth house of home, property, and family as a result. Plus, a planetary lineup in home-oriented Cancer during the second half of the month will amplify all things children, creativity, and romance, per the expert.

“By navigating the influences of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, Pisceans can make strides in both property-related endeavors and personal connections, while remaining mindful of financial caution and emotional balance,” says Samay.


Brilla Samay, astrologer, mentor, and spiritual advisor