Who's Afraid Of Little Old Scorpio?
Three planets swirling around in your October 2024 horoscope.
Your October 2024 Horoscope Includes A Retrograde & Solar Eclipse

There will be no rest for the wicked (or anyone else) this spooky SZN.

by Chelsea Jackson

It’s time to trade in your long list of Virgoan to-dos for a new and improved dating roster, because cuffing season is *officially* underway. Though, just because cozy vibes are on the horizon doesn’t mean the astrology of October 2024 will be all sunshine and roses.

There will be a Libra solar eclipse on Oct. 2, the beginning of Jupiter retrograde on Oct. 9, an Aries full moon on Oct. 17, and the kickoff of Scorpio season on Oct. 22, so it’s safe to say you’ll be keeping prettyyy busy in between all those potential first dates.

Balancing your desire for partnership with your craving for autonomy will be no easy feat this month, but your October 2024 horoscope should introduce new and improved ways to establish harmony in your world.

6 Signs Will Feel October’s Astrology More Than Others

There’s a lot happening in the cosmos this month, but for Leo, Virgo, and Aquarius, the stars will be aligning for them in more fortunate ways than others. If you’re an Aries, Libra, or Scorpio, however, you may find October’s astrology to be a little more problematic.

Eclipse season tends to be pretty intense, and since it’s being followed by Scorpio season, every zodiac sign can expect to experience a deep transformation over the course of the next 31 days. Here’s how you will be affected:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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The way you interact with others will be the focal point this month, Aries. For starters, during the Libra solar eclipse on Oct. 2, you may reach a significant turning point in a romantic relationship.

Then, on Oct. 9, Jupiter will station retrograde, initiating a period of revision regarding your skills, studies, and communication. Any new information you’ve gathered over the last four months will be up for review.

On the day of the Oct. 17 full moon in your sign, you’ll be passionately re-centering your own pursuits, which may clash with the partnerships you’ve been establishing. Remember that in order to obtain the support you crave from others, you have to be willing to make sacrifices.

By the time Scorpio season kicks off on Oct. 22, you’ll be deepening the bonds that have stood the test of time throughout the month.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Wellness is your No. 1 priority, Taurus. Beginning with the Oct. 2 Libra solar eclipse, you may be striving toward a more effective balance in your daily life through the foods you eat, or the ways you choose to move your body.

When Jupiter stations retrograde on Oct. 9, you’ll experience a reevaluation period in your finances and personal resources after an influx of growth. This will be a good time to assess what you’ve accumulated over the last several months.

Introspection will be the name of the game during the full moon on Oct. 17, reminding you of your inclination toward solitude. You may not be much of a loner, but you may find that you're more capable than you think when you’re left to your own devices.

As the sun enters Scorpio on Oct. 22, you’ll be more drawn toward those who have substance. Though opening up to new people may take time, it’ll feel sooo rewarding.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

On Oct. 2, the Libra solar eclipse will invite you to flirt with new people and new creative ideas, but it won’t be without a strong need for balance. With your social butterfly tendencies, Gemini, it’s easy for you to have a little too much fun. This lunation will remind you that moderation can actually be a good thing.

When Jupiter stations retrograde on Oct. 9, some of your rapid personal growth developments that have been taking place over the past several months will slow down. Consider all the knowledge you’ve accumulated recently: Are you putting what you now know into effective practice? If you’ve been struggling to make sense of it all, the gassy giant’s four-month retrograde period should bring some clarity your way.

During the Oct. 17 full, you’ll face any energized convos or developments unfolding in your social groups. The cosmic energy is bound to be heated, so be sure not to direct that energy toward a friend, and instead, focus on a goal or objective you’ve set out to achieve in your community.

You’ll be switching gears by the time the sun enters Scorpio on Oct. 22, as your need for discipline and routine intensifies. Around this time, you’ll seek increased focus and discipline in your life in small but effective ways.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

As your chart ruler, the moon, seemingly vanishes from the sky on Oct. 2, you may not feel inclined to spend too much time away from home, Cancer. Instead, you’ll probably take on a new decor project or relocate your space altogether.

When Jupiter stations retrograde on Oct. 9, you’ll start revising the habits you practice in private. Maybe you’ll revisit a hobby you put down, or you’ll find a more effective way to prioritize your mental health. It’ll be a good time to take stock of how you prioritize your personal growth.

The Oct. 17 Aries full moon will bring your professional achievements into focus, primarily those that you’ve spearheaded all on your own. You may step into a new role at work or put the finishing touches on a project you’ve been working hard to complete. You’ll want to display yourself and your abilities, especially those that allow your leadership abilities to really shine.

Scorpio season begins on Oct. 22, directing your energy toward pleasure. You like to indulge in your desires without holding back, and this season will allow you to dive right in.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

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It’ll be a month of mental stimulation for you, Leo. Starting with the Libra eclipse on Oct. 2, you’ll lock in on a new hobby or skill that’s recently piqued your interest — possibly one you share with a friend or neighbor.

As Jupiter stations retrograde on Oct. 9, you’ll reevaluate the company you keep to ensure that these connections are feeding you in all of the right ways.

On Oct. 17, the Aries full moon will shed light on the beliefs and philosophies you’re passionate about. You may feel compelled to share your stance on the world in a more direct way than usual, or you may travel to a new destination. Either way, you’ll be taking in a lot of new insight and experiences.

Scorpio season begins by Oct. 22, placing your chart ruler, the sun, in your fourth house of home, ancestry, and living environment. You’ll be handling family matters with privacy and discretion. As a result, you’ll feel the need to stay closer to home than usual in order to keep a close eye on any developments.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

New financial beginnings are underway, Virgo. As the Oct. 2 Libra solar eclipse occurs, you’ll be looking for a better balance regarding your spending habits. This eclipse may coincide with a raise, or a shift in your mindset regarding what you have and how to make use of it.

Oct. 9’s Jupiter retrograde may revive any old career plans that you may have placed on hold. If you’ve been spreading yourself too thin at your work or internship, this is a good time to consolidate some of your efforts and consider what plans are worth fully investing in.

The Aries full moon on Oct. 17 will illuminate the resources that you share with others, as well as any debts owed to you or vice versa. You’ll take stock of what you’re responsible for and what you may no longer want to energetically invest in. Setting boundaries with others may be needed, especially if you’ve been solving the problems of others.

Scorpio season kicks off by Oct. 22, shifting your awareness to your current skills and ideas. This will be a fortunate time to dive into a study that piqued your interest or lean into what your immediate surroundings have to offer you. Invest in the interests that have depth without becoming *too* obsessed with them. This month is all about maintaining balance.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

You’re the main character, Libra. That energy will culminate during the Oct. 2 Libra solar eclipse, when you’ll experience some significant shifts regarding how you express yourself. You'll be focused on balance, pleasure, and self-growth while still considering your relationships with others.

Jupiter will station retrograde on Oct. 9, allowing you to reevaluate your POVs on the world around you. If you’ve been unsure of how to implement any recent discoveries or insights into your daily life, you’ll have a better idea of which philosophies you’ll want to live by and which ones no longer align with you.

By the Aries full moon on Oct. 17, you’ll be reminded of the importance of independence in your romantic relationships. Maintaining a delicate dance between yourself and others isn’t always easy, but this lunation will allow you to center partnerships in ways that feel authentic and supportive of your own desires.

Scorpio season begins on Oct. 22, highlighting your desire for security regarding your money and resources. During this period, you’ll be focusing on making intentional investments with your time, assets, and energy. You may also acknowledge the talents and abilities you have to offer and how you can monetize them.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22)

October starts with introspection for you, Scorpio. As the Oct. 2 Libra solar eclipse takes place, you'll seek inner peace from within rather than relying on others or external distractions. This will be a great time to focus on yourself, recharge, and reflect on what you need for inner contentment.

Jupiter will station retrograde on Oct. 9, encouraging you to reassess any financial commitments or responsibilities you've taken on recently. Evaluate the burdens, secrets, and fears you've accumulated to determine what’s truly worth your energy.

The passionate Aries full moon on Oct. 17 will highlight your health and daily routines, motivating you to make quick changes in how you care for yourself. You'll feel a boost of energy to tackle tasks or advance a fitness goal, but be cautious not to overdo it, as the energy can be intense.

On Oct. 22, the sun enters Scorpio, placing the spotlight on you, your abilities, and your desires. As your season unfolds, you’ll start setting new goals, but you may prefer to keep them private for the time being.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

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Connecting with new people has never been easier, Sagittarius. During the Oct. 2 solar eclipse, you’ll find opps for networking and building friendships that feel balanced and mutually beneficial. It’ll be a fortunate time for socializing and connecting with those who share your goals and ambitions.

On Oct. 9, your ruling planet, Jupiter, will station retrograde in Gemini, slowing down recent progress in your romantic relationships. This period will prompt you to reflect on connections you've formed in the past few months: Are they moving in the right direction? If you rushed into a relationship or business partnership, reassess the details of that connection.

The Aries full moon on Oct. 17 will highlight your passions, creativity, and romantic life. You'll feel drawn to pursue activities that bring you joy and focus on your personal fulfillment as this lunation unfolds. Whether working on a solo project or by enjoying some solo time, this boost of energy may inspire you to start a new hobby or share your natural talents.

By Oct. 22, the sun will be in Scorpio, shining a light on your inner self and private habits. You may prefer to lay low rather than socialize, using this time to reflect on your behaviors and avoid overindulgence or self-sabotage.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

The Libra solar eclipse on Oct. 2 will spark major changes in your career, inspiring new projects or job opportunities, Capricorn. You might also experience some simultaneous endings, but they’ll allow for more beneficial opps to arise in your profession.

On Oct. 9, Jupiter retrograde will encourage you to revise some of your daily routines and habits. You've been all about leveling up your mental game lately; this will be the time to reassess how you're spending your time. Use this period to check in on your health and wellness routines — there might be a better way to boost your productivity.

The Aries full moon on Oct. 17 will light up your home and family life, making key issues stand out. You might feel the urge to assert your independence at home and possibly consider a new space. This will be the perfect moment to shake things up and get your living situation moving if things have been stuck.

Scorpio season will kick off on Oct. 22, bringing the spotlight to your friendships and social circles. You'll start noticing your impact in your community and may even be acknowledged for your place in the lives of others as this season unfolds.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

The Libra solar eclipse on Oct. 2 will kick off a fresh start for your beliefs and perspectives, Aquarius. It’ll be the perfect moment to dive into new philosophies or spiritual paths and share your discoveries with others, especially those that offer a balanced and supportive outlook. Connecting with people who share your ideals will come naturally, so be sure to share your outlooks with others.

On Oct. 9, Jupiter retrograde will slow down any progress you’ve made in your creative projects, passions, and love life. Consider reconnecting with what sparks your creativity, and release any endeavors that have been stagnant or unfulfilling.

The energized Aries full moon on Oct. 17 will amp up your urge to express your thoughts and stand up for yourself. You'll be more eager to share your ideas and dive into activities that highlight your unique viewpoints. Just watch out for heated debates, as your words might come across as more intense than intended.

By Oct. 22, the sun will move into Scorpio, placing a spotlight on your career and public image. This season boosts your determination and self-discipline, making it a great time for professional growth and the perfect moment to show off your talents.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Money matters, Pisces, and you’ll be ready to address it all around the Oct. 2 solar eclipse, whether it’s sharing assets with another, or balancing joint obligations. If any relationship has felt lopsided, this will be the time to restore equilibrium.

Jupiter, your chart ruler, will station retrograde on Oct. 9, slowing down recent household developments. If you’ve been struggling to keep track of all your ideas for your living environment, slow down and revisit these themes.

The Aries full moon on Oct. 17 will highlight your personal resources, pushing you to assert your independence in your finances. You may be inclined to make hasty purchases, so be mindful of spending your money too quickly.

Scorpio season begins on Oct. 22, shifting your focus to your current belief systems and philosophies. This season is ideal for stepping outside your comfort zone by traveling or taking up a new study. You’re typically not too quick to change your perspectives, but this season will give you plenty of new things to consider.