Single Girl Summer

Emma Chao/Elite Daily; Getty Images/Stocksy

’Tis The Season For A Samantha Jones Summer

SATC’s iconic free spirit has never been more relevant.

By Hannah Kerns
About Last Night

Behold, The Recipe For The Perfect Morning-After Debrief

Sweatpants are required, caffeinated beverages highly recommended.

By Morgan Sullivan
Down Bad

Beware The Situationship That Derails Your Life Out Of Nowhere

So much for those plans to be unattached and unbothered.

By Rachel Chapman
For Xandra, Everything’s Coming Full Circle

The 23-year-old Sports Illustrated Rookie is on the ultimate post-breakup revenge arc.

by Hannah Kerns
Anna Nazarova/Elite Daily
No Strings Attached

Your Single Girl Horoscope Is Looking Spicy For The Next 3 Months

Two astrologers break down the cosmic vibes.

By Mackenzie Sylvester
Dating, Decoded

How Do I Find Hot Hookups These Days? Don’t Say Dating Apps

I’m barely interested in anyone on Hinge or Bumble, and I’m not trying to be a pen pal.

By Sarah Ellis
The Boy Is (Not) Mine
A Boysober Summer Starter Pack

Free from men’s opinions, there’s no better time for you to try new things.

by Ginny Hogan